
So, one time back in the 80s, the son of a slave who wore no shoes was having a conversation with me on a porch in Sapucaia, RJ. We were talking about the moon, which was shining in the sky. I asked him if he knew that man had gone to the moon and he

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The universe is a hologram concept was conceived to explain how information that is sucked into a black hole can perpetuate. Consider this. You are next to a black hole. I am beside you. You get sucked inside. I know you are inside because I am outside and you are inside. That’s real, right? No.

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The front leg of a Dytiscus water beetle. The structures on left and bottom are hair and the “large” structure top-right is a suction cup.

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What is the genotype and phenotype variation in humans? Here is a study to sort it out: The aim of the 1000 Genomes Project is to discover, genotype and provide accurate haplotype information on all forms of human DNA polymorphism in multiple human populations. Specifically, the goal is to characterize over 95% of variants that

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